Welcome to the mission page for Elder Michael Young. Michael will serve in the Brazil Rio De Janeiro North mission.

Michael was transferred to AraCruz on June 15, 2008.

Send letters for Michael to his apartment:

Elder Michael M. Young
Avenida Venancio Flores 1817
Apto 301
Centro - AraCruz - ES
29190-010 BRASIL

Send packages for Michael to the Mission Home:

Elder Michael Matthew Young

Rio de Janeiro North Mission
Rua Dois De Dezembro, 78 Sala 703
Rio De Janeiro-RJ
22220-040 Brazil

See the latest posts below:

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Michael Has Arrived! Letter from the Brazil MTC President

Dear Parents,

Your son or daughter arrived here safely at the Brazil MTC this morning. They
were greeted, and are now moving in and resting, and then they will have lunch.
This afternoon they will attend an orientation meeting and meet with the doctor
about immunizations, etc. Then they will go for a short walk around the
neighborhood with a teacher. Tomorrow they will learn how to pray in

The food here is very good. There are always two kinds of meat or chicken, a
hot vegetable, beans and rice, fresh salad vegetables, a variety of fruit, a
dessert, a popsicle, and lots of Brazilian juices and other drinks. They can
eat all they want.

We are so happy to have them here ready to serve and help the people of Brazil.
It would be wonderful if you could pick them up at the end of their mission.
You can then relate to them the rest of their life about their experiences here.
It will be worth the time and expense.

They will be able to e-mail you on either Tuesday or Wednesday which ever day is
their P-day. They go to the temple that morning and e-mail you during the
afternoon. Attached is the information for mailing letters and other mail to
your missionary while he or she is at the MTC.

Click here to read document about mailing packages to the Brazil MTC.

Thank you for sharing them for this time. May you be blessed in their absence.
Love, Phyllis Cardon, wife of the MTC President

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